Sunday, October 20, 2013

The State Of Your Digestive Health and Losing Weight

The state your digestive health is in has a direct effect on your ability of losing weight. It's true that genetics are partly responsible because some people are born with a naturally high metabolic rate and others have a naturally low rate. This is a key point because a slow metabolic rate does not burn calories quickly like a high rate does and this makes it much harder to lose weight.

But that's genetics. You can influence and change your metabolic rate with a few simple lifestyle changes. 

Key reasons for an unhealthy digestive system.

As mentioned, the state of your digestive health is the key here. So let's list some of the main reasons you are unhealthy and over weight:

1. Clogged liver - if you are fat, chances are high that your liver is clogged. Reasons are because of too many medications or drugs, too much highly refined foods which include sugars,hydrogenated oils and trans fats. A clogged liver reduces metabolic rate and will store a lot of fat.

2. Clogged colon - this results in very slow digestion and therefor slow metabolism. Reasons are a lack of nutrients the colon needs to function properly and when there are a lack of nutrients it's all about the diet. Low-fiber diets particularly. Also not enough digestive enzymes, and water. More physical activity is needed as well. As much as 30 pounds of undigested fecal matter has been found in people's colon during an autopsy. After cleaning your colon you can lose an instant 5 to 30 pounds!

3. Candida yeast and parasites - both of these can clog the 2 organs mentioned above and if you are overweight you probably have both candida yeast and parasites. Candida yeast develops when there is an incorrect balance of your good and bad intestinal bacteria. Bad bacteria procreates when there are nutritional deficiencies in your diet. If you have the conditions mentioned above, there's an almost 100% chance you have parasites.

As you can see, there is a definite pattern in how our digestive health can slowly deteriorate over the years of depending too much on medications and a high processed food diet. This is good for the food and pharmaceutical companies, but it's slowly killing us!

We eat crap year after year only to develop digestive disorders, try and correct them with drug medications, which are only a temporary fix, but add to the toxics in our body and on it goes.

Stop the madness!

Another reason people have a hard time losing weight is getting on and off diet after diet. Some call this yo-yo dieting. Simply start eliminating the culprit foods and medications that contain the 3 unhealthy and dangerous man-made substances:

    1.    refined sugars
    2.    trans fats
    3.    prescription and non-prescription drugs

You need to start reading the labels on all packaged foods because sometimes even the natural and healthy looking ones contain some type of sugar and hydrogenated oils. Remember, man-made sugars come in many names; corn syrup, dextrose, malt dextrose, aspartame, and sucrolos just to name a few.

Start adding the good stuff

As you eliminate the junk food, start adding some food with quality nutrients. You already know what some are: fresh fruits, raw or steamed vegetables and unrefined grains. For example; bread is made from grains but if you eat white bread, then all the quality dietary fiber you need has been processed right out of it, so you need to change to a bread made with whole grains, or as we call them, unrefined grains. It's in our modern processing and refining methods the nutrients are removed from food.

Learn more about how to improve your digestive health, losing weight naturally by eating more… it's not how much you eat, it's what you eat!

Saturday, October 19, 2013

Foods That Promote Digestive Health

Too many of us live on an inferior, low quality diet that is much too high in processed junk instead of eating good foods that promote digestive health. At some point, usually after experiencing one or several digestive symptoms or disorders, something will need to be done if getting back to good digestive health is of any concern to you. Usually diet is the problem that got you there and will be the thing that can help get you back on track.

Friday, October 18, 2013

Yogurt Digestive Health Benefits

The kiwifruit is a super prebiotic food
About 100 years ago, a Russian biologist named IIya Mechnikov linked yogurt to digestive health when he noticed that Bulgarian farmers and peasants were living longer and getting fewer diseases than those living in the cities.

What he discovered was they ate fermented yogurt, which he later studied further to prove the bacteria species he isolated, Lactobacillus bulgaricus, had amazing disease-fighting health benefits. These were big and important discoveries for the time, which won him the Nobel prize.